Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Life Insurance For Someone with Chronic Bronchitis

Life Insurance for Someone with Chronic Bronchitis

Life Insurance for Someone with Chronic Bronchitis

Is it feasible to get reasonably priced life insurance coverage when you have got chronic bronchitis? Typically speaking, the answer is yes. Nevertheless, there are factors encompassing chronic bronchitis that can impact the premium rates that a person will pay for their life insurance. If your condition is especially severe, it’s more than likely that you may only qualify for a nonmedical policy like guaranteed issue.

What is Chronic Bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This condition is usually caused by cigarette smoking. It normally presents itself as a long-term cough along with mucus. Chronic bronchitis results in inflammation, congestion, and scarring in the airways.
Chronic bronchitis is typically diagnosed after a chest x-ray which is used to ascertain the extent of lung deterioration. Pulmonary function assessments may also be performed to determine your lung’s air capacity. Blood oxygen levels can also be measured using a small sensor that is clipped on your index finger.

One of the difficulties included with chronic bronchitis is that an individual’s lungs are susceptible to infection. Flu is an extremely troublesome condition, and individuals with chronic bronchitis are typically expected to get an annual flu shot, along with a vaccination against pneumonia. The use of cough syrup to manage a cough is generally detrimental since coughing works well to discharge unwanted mucus from your lungs. It may also be advised that you consume an expectorant to enhance your capability to force phlegm from your lungs.

How will a Life Insurer View Chronic Bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis is a complex problem, especially if it is present in combination with other health problems. As part of underwriting your insurance application, the insurer will typically be interested in your age at the time you were diagnosed, what prescription drugs you are taking, as well as your history of tobacco smoking.
But the more substantial problem is whether or not chronic bronchitis develops along with asthma or emphysema. The underwriter will want to understand the results of an ECG along with whether or not you’ve ever been hospitalized for your medical condition.
In some instances, you won’t be able to meet the requirements for anything better than standard insurance rates, as far your monthly premiums are concerned. This may certainly be the case even if your disease is well-managed. Well-managed indicates that you are taking prescribed medications regularly, you have no recent emergency room visits, and you don’t smoke any tobacco products.
If your disease is deemed to be moderate, you will probably be given substandard rates, or even altogether denied insurance coverage. If this happens, you might have to consider a guaranteed issue insurance policy, since it will not involve an insurance medical exam or that you answer any kind of health questions.
If you have got chronic bronchitis, in addition to other disorders, there is a good possibility that you are not going to qualify for traditional insurance coverage, and you’ll have to take into consideration a guaranteed issue policy.

Are You Managing Your Chronic Bronchitis?

How properly you are dealing with your condition will be unquestionably critical. You will want to be getting consistent medical attention, and managing your chronic bronchitis with prescribed medications.
Losing weight is commonly a possible recommended therapy treatment since it will lessen the strain on your lungs and your heart.
It is also extremely critical that you do your very best to manage your overall level of health. This includes keeping an appropriate diet, doing regular exercises, and staying away from any habits that will probably cause your condition to deteriorate. Cigarette smoking, or any other kind tobacco smoking, must be eliminated whenever you have any type of respiratory health condition.

Selecting the Best Insurer

Whenever you have any type of health issue, selecting the most appropriate life insurance company to apply to is a key strategy. This is even much more crucial when you have got a respiratory affliction, such as chronic bronchitis. Some companies will decline coverage even for applicants who have got mild or moderate illnesses. Also, if there are any other medical conditions present together with chronic bronchitis, it could possibly be a guaranteed decline.
Not every life insurer, however, has such a negative outlook of chronic bronchitis. The secret is to understand which companies they are, and then apply for coverage with them exclusively. As an individual applicant, because you don’t know who the companies are, you will likely have a built-in disadvantage. If you apply for a life insurance policy with one particular company, and then are declined, that could impact your ability to get insurance coverage with other companies.
Do not take this chance – let Life Policy Shopper help you choose the right insurance companies so that you’ll find the coverage that you need. Our insurance professionals know who the companies are and who are more inclined to accept your application, as well as give you the most affordable rates.
Chronic Bronchitis can certainly be a stumbling block when you are attempting to purchase affordable life insurance, but by all means, do not go from traditional fully underwritten life insurance to guaranteed issue life insurance because of your condition. We have many highly-rated insurance companies that compete in the high-risk marketplace and no medical exam insurance policies that will allow you to be covered from the first day.
For more information about purchasing life insurance for someone with Chronic Bronchitis, use our world-class quote engine to receive a free and confidential quote or contact the insurance professionals at Life Policy Shopper through our website at your convenience.

Program Guarantees

If you’re an older applicant who needs a life insurance, but you have adverse health problems, like COPD, chronic bronchitis or emphysema medical conditions, it doesn’t mean you’re out of luck.
In fact, there are a handful of choices. One of the major ones is burial insurance (sometimes called funeral insurance or final expense insurance). If you buy one of these plans, you’ll get guaranteed protection (with no exam) for around $25,000.
Some final expense carriers sell larger plans. If you need more protection, we can pinpoint one of those carriers for you.
Top Reasons Why Seniors Buy Burial Insurance 
1.  They don’t have enough move saved up to pay for a funeral.
2.  They want cheaper insurance than they already have.
3.  They want to donate to charity.

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